and Karen McCarty are proud to announce the upcoming
wedding of their daughter, Jill Kara McCarty and
Jonathan Mark Besselsen, son of Mary Zoet and the late
Alan Besselsen on Friday, August 9th, 2013.
nuptials will take place at Immanuel Lutheran Church
in Grand Rapids with a reception to follow..
McCarty Metro wishes Jon and Jill much luck and will
have a full report in the September issue of the
The McCartys would
like to thank everyone who participated in this years' event. It
was a great day for golf, and everyone had a great time. Special
thanks to Steve and Kristen, along with the sponsors of the event,
the Michigan Lupus Foundation, and Greystone Golf Club. There is
more information on our DMGC
ONE... COME ALL... Bradric Productions, along with The
McCarty Metro, are pleased to announce its' second 72 Hour
Film Project. The event will take place from August 17th
to August 19th, 2013. The event is open to all. We are
looking for people to write, act, direct and produce a
short 4 minute or less movie and submit it within 72
hours. Check out the information and rules on our 72
Hour Film Project page.


A Happy
Anniversary goes out to Jerry McCarty and Rick's Martini
Bar. This past month, the weekly podcast celebrated its'
150th episode. Jerry, who has participated in all 150,
traveled to Detroit to celebrate the podcast with Brad
Savage. Jerry is normally teamed up with Rick Farmiloe and
Amanda Raymond on the weekly podcast from Rick's Martini
Bar in Californial. Brad & Eric did the first podcast
together 3 years ago in LA. The first topic... Pie vs.
Cake. You can hear that podcast, plus much more from our Podcast
Page, or the I-Tunes store. Congratulations!!
Austin McCarty had
a busy June. In addition to standing up as Brad's best man at his
wedding, he also ran a half marathon to Ann Arbor, and attended
the Bonnaroo concert event in Tennessee. As best man, he was in
charge of Brad's bachelor party (the wedding party all went to a
Detroit Tiger baseball game, and delivered a great toast. In the
half marathon, Austin completed the race with a good time. At
Bonnaroo, he, along with thousands of other concert goers camped
out and saw acts such as Paul McCartney, ZZ Top, and many more
over the weekend. The Metro wants to know.... Whatcha got planned
for July??
Bachelor party (with a
horse?) |
Getting to the island |
A great toast |
. |
Austin on the track |
Behind hundreds of other
runners |
He gets his medal |
Bonaroo in Manchester,
Tennessee |
Lunch between shows at the
campsite |
The 2013 McCarty
Metro Weight Loss Challenge wrapped up on June 1. When we started
January 1, twelve subscribers took up the challenge to lose weight
in the new year. In the end, all challengers lost weight over the
5 month span. Special congratulations to Princess Buttercup who
finished with a double digit percentage of weight loss, and led
the pack. I would like to also Congratulate all 12 on a fine job.
Detroit Tigers TV analyst and erstwhile
limb specialist Rod Allen announced an anatomical breakthrough in
June. After noting that baseball player Austin Jackson recently
had a hamstring injury, Doctor Rod observed, "He plays a fast
centerfield, so his leg is more important to him than for Prince
(Fielder) or Miggy (Cabrera)." Doctor Rod apparently insists
that legs are not vital to all baseball players. This gives hope
that prosthetics users can play major league baseball. For more of
Mario and Rod's observations about life and baseball, see the
Mario and Rod page in the Metro.

The Israelis are developing an airport security device that eliminates the privacy concerns that come with full-body scanners. It's an armored booth you step into that will not X-ray you, but will detonate any explosive device you may have on your person.
Israel sees this as a win-win situation for everyone, with none of this crap about racial profiling. It will also eliminate the costs of long and expensive trials.
You're in the airport terminal and you hear a muffled explosion. Shortly thereafter, an announcement: "Attention to all standby passengers, El Al is proud to announce a seat available on flight 670 to London. Shalom!"


We want to hear your questions, comments, rants,
or editorials. Just submit them to soundoff@mccartymetro.com.
Dear Editor. You always have
some good wisdom and offer good advice on your Final Thought page. Here is one
final thought I think you should use about inner peace. Dr. Phil proclaimed,
"The way to achieve inner peace is to finish all the things you have
started and have never finished." -Diane
ED NOTE: Didn't work so well.
I looked around my house to see all the things I started and hadn't finished,
and before leaving the house this morning, I finished off a bottle of Merlot, 8
Budweisers left from a case, half a bottle of Scotch, a package of Oreos, the
remainder of my old depression prescription, the rest of the cheesecake, some
Doritos and a box of chocolates. Didn't work, cuz I got fired.
Dear Editor. How
much longer until they serve the food at the Dan McCarty Golf Classic? -Hungry
from Hamtramck
NOTE: I don't know, but I got so hungry that I went back out and took the chip from a munk
out on the golf course.
What's the difference
between Harry Chapin and Dan Foggleburg? -Sleepy 70's Fan
ED NOTE: Trick
question... They are the same person. What I really want to know is which one is
Seals and which one is Crofts?
Editor. I understand at your annual porch party this year, we may see a
Cockroach reunion? Any truth? -Fan

depends if Kelly cleaned all the nooks and crannies from last years' bash. I
don't think so. But, if a few show up at the porch party this year, I tend to use the old
D-CON Roach Motels, because as they say... "Roaches check
in, but they don't check out!"
Jean Stapleton, 90, actress (All in the Family).
Deacon Jones, 74, Hall of Fame football player (Los Angeles Rams), coined the term "sack", natural causes.
Esther Williams, 91, swimmer (Billy Rose's Aquacade) and actress (Bathing Beauty, Million Dollar Mermaid, Dangerous When Wet), natural causes.
Miller Barber, 82, professional golfer. James
Gandolfini, 51, actor (The Sopranos), cardiac arrest. Alan
Myers, 58, New Wave drummer (Devo), brain cancer. Matt
Osborne, 55, professional wrestler (Doink the Clown).

