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This is the 14th annual McCarty Metro Awards presentation brought to you by Bradric Productions. Our aim is to acknowledge the best of the McCarty Metro this past year in 2018. The prestigious Dudley Award (right) will be presented to the winners in our March edition. There are 6 categories, plus our annual Lifetime Achievement Award that were voted on by our readers in the February edition of the McCarty Metro.,


Best Page Of 2018

The best page category contains entire web pages that appeared in the Metro during 2018. The nominees are...

2018 Dudley Awards
Bob Hope Tweets
Chemo Talk
Dateline News
Final Thought
Gene's Story
Guitar 101
Jerry's World
Metro Chat Cafe'
McCarty Memories
Old Haunts Of Mcs
Peanut & Jocko
Rick's Martini Bar

And The Best Page Is...


This was the 11th win for Jerry's World


Best Metro Feature or Contest Of 2018

The best feature or contest category contains a part of a web page, or an added contest or challenge on the McCarty Metro. The nominees are...

Adventures Of Mr. Stickman
Biggest Loser 2018
Caption Contest
Christmas Tree Contest
Editor Poll 
McCarty Boob Tube
McCarty Metro Film Project
Metro Diet Bet
Pigskin Pickem
Pumpkin Carving Contest 
Recipe Corner
Secret Celebrity
Sound Off
What/Where The Heck Is That?

And The Best Feature Is...


Kelly would like to thank all who participated to make the game so well received


Best Writer Of 2018

The best writer category gives you the chance to judge who is the best writer of 2018. The nominees are...

Jerry McCarty Kelly McCarty Mike McCarty

And The Best Writer Is...


This was the 13th win for Jerry with his articles Jerry's World, Bob Hope Tweets From Heaven, Peanut & Jocko and Guitar 101


Best Trip Of 2018

These were the awesome trips taken in 2018 that were logged in the Planes, Trains, and Automobiles sections of the Metro. The nominees are...

All The McCarty brothers went to Vegas Baby Vegas
Amanda took a vacation to Greece
Austin and Kristina went to Pictured Rocks in the UP of Michigan
Austin McCarty Went to Bonnaroo in Tennessee
Bend Oregon Mcs to Washington's Great Wolf Lodge
Brad & Valerie Went to New York City
Gene & Dolores visit to Michigan
Grand Rapids & Hudsonville Mcs to Disney World
Kelly & Margaret visited the Maryland Rzepkas
Kelly & Margaret visit to Bend to see the Oregon Mcs
Larry & Gina had a wonderful time in Boston, Massachusetts
Larry & Gina went to Hawaii
Larry and Gina's visit to Michigan
Lauren was in beautiful Cabo San Luca
Lauren's Birthday At Disney World with Larry, Gina, and Amanda
Margaret and Marianne go to the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island
Megan traveled to North Carolina to visit Amanda and Lauren
Mike & Karen visit to New Orleans, Louisiana
Mike & Karen went to Hawaii for Thanksgiving
Mike and Karen went across the pond to Portugal
Steve, Larry, Rick and Mike traveled to California to visit Jerry
Walter and Kathy Unti visit to Israel

And The Best Trip Is...


Congratulations to Jerry, Kelly, Rick, Larry, Steve, Mike, Dennis, Austin, and Robert for making Vegas such a memorable trip


Top Metro News Event Of 2018

There were lots of news stories that involved Metro family & subscribers throughout 2018. The nominees are...

Austin goes to U of M for his Masters
Austin McCarty At Bonnaroo
Ben Around The Block Birthday Party
California Wild Fires
Dan McCarty Texas Holdem
Kelly/Margaret visit the Maryland Rzepkas
Kelly's Knee Replacement Surgery
Larry and Gina's snowy visit to Michigan
Margaret and Marianne to the Grand Hotel
Mike and Karen In Portugal
Passing Of Uncle Jack
Steve McCarty Named CEO of UHY
Valentine's Day at the Castle of White
Vegas Baby Vegas 2018
Welcome Henry Alan Besselsen

And The Top News Event Is...


Congratulations Steve on this wonderful honor


Best Original YouTube Video

There were many great original videos created in 2018 for the Metro by our readers. The nominees are...

15 Songs In 2 Minutes : Audriana McCarty
Boo 2 You : Larry, Gina, and The Grandkids
Dana & James Hong Go Dancing : Dana & Actor James Hong
Dance Off : Audriana & Daddy
Elf On A Shelf : Kevin McCarty
Feeding Alpacas : Bend McCartys With Kelly & Margaret
Frankenmuth Car Show : Kelly & Margaret Walk around Frankenmuth
Graffiti Artists : Sharon & Barry - A Metro Film Project
Happy Birthday Kelly : Kelly McCarty
Inyourendo : Jim Matczak - A Metro Film Project
Kayleigh’s First Communion : Kayleigh Marion
Larry & Gina Finally Get Home : Larry & Gina McCarty
Lauren does Zumba In Cabo : Lauren Staggs
Neighborhood Justice : Mac-O Studios - A Metro Film Project
Pictured Rocks : Austin & Kristina
Risk It All : Happy Hair Productions - A Metro Film Project
The Joy Of Perp Identifying: Bob Ross : Bradric - Metro Film Project
Water Cop : Mac Daddy Productions - A Metro Film Project
Who Stole The Chocolate? : Austin McCarty - A Metro Film Project
Yanni the Yeti : Joe Hornsby - A Metro Film Project

And The Best Video Is...


Congratulations to MacDaddy Productions on this fan favorite movie


Lifetime Achievement Award

This award goes to the people, characters, groups, articles or columns that has stood the test of time. 

And The Lifetime Achievement Awards Go To...



The Final Thought is the last page of every McCarty Metro edition. It has been a staple in this online website for many years now. On the page, the editor of the Metro offers a recap of the past month and what is coming up. In every issue, Kelly also offers an inspirational or thought provoking story that hopefully touches the readers hearts and minds. The Final Thought has been the most Googled page in the McCarty Metro, and is the 3rd most accessed page behind the home page and Jerry's World. Kelly McCarty would like to thank all the readers and voters for this special lifetime achievement award.



The Dan McCarty Golf Classic started as a tribute to DJ and to raise money for worthy causes and charities. It began in October, 1996, just a few month's after Danny passing, as a golf outing for family and friends. It also evolved into an annual Texas Holdem Event held every February for the past 12 years.. In 22 years, the combined events have raised over 1 million dollars for charities to benefit people and places like the Lupus Foundation, American Cancer Society, Gleaners, Multiple Sclerosis Society, and many more. Congratulations to Steve and Kristen McCarty and all who have been a part of this great cause.




The McCarty Metro - 9323 Sussex Avenue - Detroit, Michigan 48228

© 2019 Bradric Productions

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