This is Bob Ho Ho Hope, and I wanna tell you ladies and gentlemen, I am looking forward to a great Christmas Season.  

How about that Wally Jankowski  returning to live in Haverhill Subdivision in Macomb Township?  Isn’t that wild?  I haven’t seen a neighborhood so concerned about someone returning since Freddy Krueger came back to Elm Street.  Isn’t that something?

And how about those McCarty Boys cleaning out Mom McCarty’s house?   Wasn’t that something?   I haven’t seen anyone move that much junk in one day since the TSA started doing pat downs.  Isn’t that wild?

And did you hear Mike McCarty played San Francisco Blues at a pub in Grand Rapids?  Isn’t that something?   I haven’t seen a bar empty out like that since White Snake’s Pyrotechnic Show.   Isn’t that wild?

And how about those San Francisco Giants winning the World Series this year?  Wasn’t that something?  I haven’t seen homosexuals that happy since Kelly & Jerry went into Menjo’s in Detroit dressed up like the Furies gang from “The Warriors”.  Isn’t that wild?

And how about  that Tim Lincecum of the Giants winning 3 games against the Rangers in the World Series?  Wasn’t that wild?  I haven’t seen anybody hurl like that since Kelly McCarty drank a bottle of Scotch at Mortons.  Isn’t that something?

And I bet that Steve McCarty will be going out for some Christmas Cocktails Parties.  Isn’t that something?  I haven’t seen anybody that can slam a White Russian like Steve since Mel Gibson.  Isn’t that wild?

And did you see that Bristol Palin on “Dancing with the Stars”?  Isn’t that wild?  I haven’t seen dancing that bad since Kelly McCarty broke an overhead light while “Fast Dancing” at Utica Explodes II.  Isn’t that something?

And did you see that picture of Steve, Mike, and Larry McCarty at the Red Wings Game?  Wasn’t that something?  I have seen a disturbing set of Semi-Retarded brothers at a Hockey Game like that since the Hanson Brothers in Slapshot?  Isn’t that wild?

And lastly, did you hear that Evan McCarty got an award and medal for his art project showing “Food People”?  Isn’t that wild?   I haven’t seen vegetables get awards like that since Christopher Reeve.  Isn’t that something?

Good night ladies and gentlemen and have a Merry Christmas!!


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