.. DATELINE: SOUTH BEND, INDIANA Chris McCarty graduated from the University of Notre Dame on May 19 with a Masters degree in Business. His immediate plans are to move to Boston, Massachusetts where he will look for career opportunities. Hopefully, he will find work easier than Norm Peterson from Cheers fame.
 Amanda shows her support before the commencement
|  Chris waits anxiously with his other Irish classmates
|  Chris gets his diploma
|  A new monument perhaps??? Touchdown Kelly
|  The proud parents
Dateline Lebanon, TN Former Metro reporter Sara McCarty leaves the family paper to begin writing for The Lebanon Democrat. Her first assignment was a full page article about local businesses in Lebanon. She then met and interviewed country singing sensation Gretchen Wilson "The Redneck Girl". Says Metro Editor Kelly McCarty about Sara's success... "Oh.... She'll come crawling back! Just you wait and see!" . DATELINE CLINTON TOWNSHIP, MICHIGAN May ushered in a round of high school proms. Austin McCarty attending his senior prom with arm candy Jessie. The two danced the night away at the posh Penna's of Sterling Heights on a DDR machine. The couple will both graduate in June. Austin plans on attending Michigan State University, where he claims his Mighty Spartans will whoop Notre Dame in football this year!

DATELINE: OAKLAND, MICHIGAN Time is starting to run out. There are still a few openings available, so if you haven't gone online or called in your reservation for the 2007 Dan McCarty Golf Classic, DO IT TODAY!!! Steve McCarty and Chuck Pottenger of the Michigan Chapter of the Lupus Alliance of America have announced that 12th Annual Dan McCarty Golf Classic will be bigger and better than last years' event which set a record profit which goes 100% for Lupus research and patient care. Twin Lakes Golf & Swim Club will be the host of the June 9th event. Please mark that date on your calendar, and go to the DMGC webpage for complete information and on-line registration. .
Dateline Lebanon, TN Amanda McCarty turns the big 21 on June 1 and will celebrate by making her second jump out of an airplane and requests a margarita waiting for her when she lands. ED NOTE: I would just request a vomit bag... oh... never mind, just a rag to clean all the vomit from my clothes during my jump... and another one to clean my drawers. Have a great 21st Amanda! . DATELINE LEWISTON, MICHIGAN In what might be described as the new order of the Gull Lake Council, Garland 1 is now in the books, and has co-winners. Congratulations to John Russo and Glenn Lukas. This is the first green jacket for both. Not only was this a first at Garland, but many other "firsts" came out of the event. It was the first time I found a place that my cell phone wouldn't work. It was the first time I saw fireworks being shot at the group behind us. It was a first I saw chugging contests going on before teeing off. And it was a first time I spent $25 for a sammich and 2 beers. I guess I'm all firsted out.
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DO YOUR KIDS KNOW WHAT TO DO IN AN EMERGENCY??? An emergency is a time when you need help from a police officer, firefighter, or doctor. Take these steps to make sure you and your children are prepared: Know your full name, parents’ full names, address (including city and state), and phone number (including area code). Memorize your parents work and cell phone numbers. Ask your parents to post a list of emergency numbers you may need by the phone. With an adult, talk about different times you may need help and what you should do. With your parents, pick a safe place you can go to near your house if you need help right away.
If there's an emergency, Go to a safe place right away. Call 911 or dial 0. (Ask an adult which is best.) Remember you can call both for free from a pay phone. The operator will ask you what the emergency is, your name, full address, and phone number. |
| Jerry Falwell, 73, American pastor, television evangelist and founder of the Moral Majority, cardiac arrhythmia. Howard Porter, 58, former basketball player with the Detroit Pistons, complications from a beating. Charles Nelson Reilly, 76, American Tony-winning actor and Match Game panelist, complications from pneumonia. Jean Wucetich, 80, of Scottsville died at 7:21 p.m. May 17, 2007. The Detroit native was born Aug. 11, 1926. She was a police dispatch supervisor, a 2006 Jefferson Award winner, a member of First United Methodist Church, Scottsville Garden Club and Scottsville Women's Club and a tutor for the Allen County School System. She was a daughter of the late Herman Mettiny and Mabel Trene Mettiny. Funeral is at 2:30 p.m. June 6 at First United Methodist Church in Scottsville. Cremation was chosen. T.W. Crow & Son Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. Expressions of sympathy may take the form of contributions to First United Methodist Church. Online condolences may be made at www.twcrowfuneralhome.com. Survivors include her husband, Daniel Wucetich; two daughters, Marcia Hunsanger Bradley of Roseville, Mich., and Carla Jean McCarty of Lebanon, Tenn.; three grandchildren, Sara McCarty, Amanda McCarty and Lauren McCarty, all of Lebanon; three stepchildren, Linda Patton and Howard Wucetich, both of Macomb, Mich., and Robert Wucetich of Michigan; and a brother, James Mettiny of St. Clair Shores, Mich. |
. AND FINALLY... DATELINE: GUADALAHARA, MEXICO The third man in history to walk on water comes from Mexico. You may be asking yourself who were the others... Well, the 1st one was Jesus, the 2nd was his apostle Peter, and now, there is this guy Jose... 
Have A Good Day |