The McCarty Metro


Halloween Candy
How The Sweets Rank
Mike McCarty


Jerry's World


Trip To Spain

October Quiz

Peanut & Jocko

Halloween Candy

Ghoulish Memories

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My Final Thought

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Mom always made us sort our candy.  Can you put the candy in the right bag??

Your Name:

Candy To Sort
(Copy & Paste Into The Fields Above)
Potato Chips
Full Size Snickers
Peanut Butter Chews
Mary Jane
Bit O Honey
Sugar Babies
Cracker Jack
Bubs Daddy
Tootsie Roll
Open Candy Corn
Wax Lips
Milk Duds
Bottle Caps
Junior Mints
Candy Cigarettes
A Business Card

All experienced (or retired) trick-or-treaters know the difference between a good treat and bad one. But no McCarty has attempted to rate the Halloween booty. The closest any McCarty ever came to scaring up a Halloween candy rating system was when Mom McCarty separated the penny candy from the nickel candy.

Here is my attempt to fill this ratings gap, using a scale of four pumpkins (excellent, gotta-have candy) to one (aargh, wouldn’t give it to a ghoul). 
Also: three pumpkins (good) and two (so-so, wanna trade?).


Bite-size Tootsie RollsBut the full-sizers merit a full 3.
Junior MintsAdults who give these are cool
Candy CornGhastly stuff, but kids wind up with a silo full every year
Potato chipsThose little bags are mostly air. Only redeeming value: salt
Campaign or UNICEF literature..
Only thing worse than candy corn.
Three MusketeersDon’t forget to say “thank you.”
SmartiesA welcome sour taste to all that sugar-sugar
ApplesThese do have a use. Throw ’em at a bully who tries to steal your bag
Hershey’s MiniaturesTiny, but worth your while on the porch
GumAs long as you get a full pack. Eschew individual sticks

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Website Created & Maintained by Kelly McCarty

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