The McCarty Metro

Still Under The Basement Steps 

Metro News
All the details are set for the 2004 Dan McCarty Golf Classic. This is the 9th year for this prestigious event. This year once again, it will be an 18 hole scramble format followed by a BBQ lunch. There will be trophies, prizes and raffle winners. All proceeds go the the American Lupus Alliance. Pictured to the right is Steve McCarty presenting a check to the Lupus Alliance from last years outing. More info can be got at the DMGC.
Mt. Juliet Christian Academy announced Amanda McCarty as this year's salutatorian. Amanda will graduate on June 4 and everyone is welcome to come for the graduation ceremony. Also if anyone has a great opening joke for the speech, email it to:

McCarthy Softball - The Next Generation:
Sara McCarty is playing on an MTSU intramural softball team continuing the tradition of playing under the alias of McCarthy. The only difference between this new generation's team compared to the McCarthy's of old ... is that this team is winning.

My Fair Lady:
Amanda McCarty debuts in the MJCA play, My Fair Lady, and has a whopping 8 lines. While upset over the number of lines, Amanda was quoted as saying, "Hey, I get to dance with some hottie ... so that has to count for something." Since this is a Baptist school, and dancing is not allowed, the scene will now call for marching.

Home Improvement:
The Grand Rapids McCartys are undertaking some home improvements. Soon, a store will install carpenting in the living room and laminate flooring in the kitchen. But, first, the McCartys painted the living room themselves. The paint job came out fine. As a public service, Mike offers some painting tips based on trial and error:
1. Do not try to paint a wall and watch the Red Wings at the same time.
2. Do not try to answer the phone after trying to rub out bad brush strokes with your hands.
3. After hitting your head on a soffit, sit down for a few minutes if you see more than one paint brush in your hand.
4. After you are done, do not say, "Boy, that's a nice brown and white paint job." Instead, say, "Boy, that's a nice sand fossil and china white paint job."

Dancing, Dancing, I'm a Dancing Machine:
Lauren McCarty was awarded "Most Dedicated" on the Lebanon High School Dance team as the team took 7th place at this year's dance competition held in Gatlinburg, TN.

Sterling Heights dog owners are being advised to make sure their dogs are protected and kept from public view. More than seven dog owners in Macomb County have reported the shooting of their family pets. "I couldn't believe it," sobbed Greg Thomas, "My poor Pumpkin was just splattered all over the place. How could someone be so cruel?" Police recommend that dogs be kept indoors until the sniper is caught. "We finally have what we believe is a picture of the shooter. If the public sees this villain, they should consider him armed and dangerous.

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