Dear Editor...
Our Readers Portal To The Metro Editor

Dear Editor. Great Metro as usual!! Hey, two things, can I get a zoomed in version of the family photo on the top of this month's metro -- I can't make out the shamrocks. Also, on your final thought page (which I usually read first), could you put a link back to the home page for your lazy sister in law? Take care, -Kristen.
ED NOTE: I did blow up the shamrocks that I could make out. Jerry wore his Irish surname of  "O'FiddlePhooey". Mom still wanted to show her support by marrying into the Irish family by wearing "Kiss me I'm Belgium", and of course little Steve wore "Damn I look good in a leisure suit".

 Dear Editor. Is there going to be a golf outing this year in honor of DJ? I didn't receive the Metro this time around and when I went on line for it, I saw nothing about Twin Lakes. I have people asking me for information!! -Denise
ED NOTE: Yes Denise. I apologize for not having it in the March/April edition. All the info is in this edition. I look forward to seeing you all again.

 Dear Editor. I've watched every Lucky Charms commercial and never saw Lucky with a whistle around his neck.

What gives in your caption contest? -Lake
ED NOTE: That isn't Lucky from the cereal... his name is Manlee from the barsoap. Even though he is a rather obnoxious little dwarf, he is still Manlee, yes, but I like him too!

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Dear Editor



 Dear Editor. I have a question on 2 pictures to the left from the March/April edition from the Texas Holdem Tournament. On the first picture, is she working on a possible straight, or possibly going straight for a gun? In the second picture, why is everything tilted? Did you play in one of The Penquin's criminal hideouts from the 1960's version of Batman? -Just wondering

 Dear Editor. Thank you for doing the McCarty Metro. Your family seems like they might just be crazier than mine. I am looking forward to many more issues in the future. -Porcupine
ED NOTE: Thanks Porky

 Dear Editor, Please enlighten me. Growing up in Detroit, I would frequently hear some of my African American friends shouting out to different people "Hey Muther". Does this mean Mother's Day is a confusing holiday in Detroit? -Larry
ED NOTE: I believe the were shouting "Hey Mudder", which around the old Detroit Race Course meant a racehorse that runs well on a wet or muddy track. I believe they were just trying to get tips on the next horse race.


 Dear Editor. I really loved the March/April edition of the McCarty Metro... Hey, the last picture with the caption "When you least expect it..." with the two men in it...Was the man on the left that actor who was in The Longest Yard with Burt Reynolds? It sure looked like him. -Lynne
ED NOTE: Yes. That is actor Richard Kiel who is crushing my brother Jerry's head. Besides his role as Samson in "The Longest Yard", he play Jaws in the James Bond movie "Moonraker", and also played Mr. Larson in the Adam Sandler movie "Happy Gilmore".... And yes, I know you are very concerned... My brother Jerry will be ok soon.



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