Mike's Bluegrass Page


Think spring! The weather is getting warmer and the pickers are heading outdoors. Why, my banjo and I were on my picnic bench the other day. And there will be plenty of festivals on deck. (See Mayfest information below.)

In the meantime, you can play or listen to bluegrass to warm up to the weather. And nothing says bluegrass like a train song, because, well, there are so many of ‘em. Try “Orange Blossom Special,” “ Wabash Cannonball,” “Train 45,” “Fireball Mail,” “Nine Pound Hammer,” “900 Miles,” “Freight Train Blues,” “Casey Jones” and so on and so on.

So, all aboard for spring, folks.

See Cleveland at Mayfest

Award-winning fiddler Michael Cleveland and his band, Flamekeeper, will highlight Mayfest in Lowell ! Cleveland is a four-time winner of the International Bluegrass Music Association’s Fiddle Player of the Year. Circle  the dates on your calendar: May 16, 17 and 18. Cleveland ’s band plays twice on Saturday, the 17th. For the complete schedule, check out: http://www.wmbma.org/festival%20pages/mayfest08/mayfest08.html

Bluegrass Sound Off

Howdy Mike, On this Web page, I saw you on the cover of “Bluegrass Banjo Master Class,” but I cannot find this DVD anywhere. Can you tell me where to find it? - Befuddled Picker in Pa.

Hi Befuddled, Shucks, you can’t find it because it doesn’t exist. My editor at The Metro was just getting his jollies with that doctored photo. Now, someday I hope to be a banjo master, but right now I am a lowly advanced beginner who is having the time of his life. Keep pickin’! -Mike

Hi Mike, I was at a circle jam when the fiddle player next to me nodded in my direction. I froze. What did that nod mean? Was I supposed to lead the jam or leave the jam? - Beginner in Detroit 
Hi to you Beginner, That was a signal for you to take the lead if you want it. If you would rather not take the lead, politely shake your head “no” and continue playing back-up with your bluegrass instrument. Keep practicing and you’ll enjoy leading the jam. -Mike

Hey Kids... Pick Out Mike As A Child

Bluegrass links

Banjo tablatures and bluegrass info http://www.bluegrassbanjo.org/
West Michigan Bluegrass Music Association



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