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Attention all McCartys and friends! What are you and your loved one doing to celebrate on February 14? Yeah, a card, that’s nice. May we suggest flowers, too? And how about a date? Not the kind with a walnut wrapped inside, but one with the love of your life (or maybe even your wife). This will involve some planning. We found ideas from romantic sources. 

Ideas for a Romantic Date

1. Dinner and a movie. Allow your date to choose the restaurant. Remember McCartys... do not act disappointed if she does not choose Taco Bell. Haggling about choice of movie is permissible.

2. Go dancing. Dancing cheek to cheek is always very romantic. Otherwise, I guess you could face each other too.

3. Plan a romantic weekend getaway. Wanna fly somewhere? Remember, you can crash with a McCarty in LA., Nashville, Baltimore, Grand Rapids or Baghdad. Jean's Motel also still has vacancies.

4. Have a romantic evening at home. Order takeout, bring out the bubbly, light the fireplace and/or candles, put on soft music, sprinkle rose petals and turn off TV unless Pistons are playing. Wakka Wakka.

5. Go for a romantic walk around the block. Or better yet, stroll the zoo in winter. Hey, don’t laugh. That’s where Rocky Balboa proposed to Adrienne. The dreamy words went something like this: “I wonder if ya wouldn’t mind marryin’ me much.” 

6. Jacuzzi.

7. Play games. Spin the Bottle, Hide the Belt and, to top it all off, the Dark Game. Oooh La La. 

Happy Valentine’s Day!

The McCarty Metro
9323 Sussex
Detroit, MI 48228

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